The Swing Voter Project: January 2021 Update

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The Latest Findings from Our Swing Voter Research

Schlesinger Group is delighted to continue as the recruitment partner for the Swing Voter Project, a collaboration with Engagious to explore swing voters’ opinions across key battleground states.

The Swing Voter Project kicked off in August of 2019, hosting monthly focus groups with swing voters as they prepared to vote in the primaries and the presidential election. In 2021, the collaboration will conduct monthly online focus groups focused on the policy and actions of the current administration.

Our Approach for January Groups

Schlesinger Group recruited 13 women and men who voted for Trump in 2016, but who voted for Biden in 2020, from a mix of the most competitive swing states to take part in two online focus groups on January 21, 2021, to understand how some voters in crucial states are thinking and talking about national priorities, expectations for Biden, and Trump’s future.

How Did Participants Respond?



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