Considering Diversity & Inclusion in Market Research

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Your audience most likely includes people who vary in ethnicity, age, gender, and other demographics, which reflects the world we live in today. Continue reading to learn why you should showcase your audience’s diversity by including them in your research process and marketing strategies.

In this Article:

Why Is Diversity Important in Market Research?
You’ve Involved a Diverse Audience in Your Research. What’s Next?
How Can Sago Help?

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There’s no denying that people are vastly different. Whether it’s ethnicity, gender identity, religion, age, or one of its many other forms, diversity is a part of our society today. That is why a one-size-fits-all approach might not work when it comes to market research.

More than ever, it’s time to embrace and celebrate these differences. You can achieve this authentically when you amplify voices from diverse groups by involving them in the early stages of your research process and then accurately representing them when it’s time to promote your brand.

Why Is Diversity Important in Market Research?

First, let’s go through the meaning of diversity and inclusion and the difference between the two. Diversity refers to the different groups and demographics (age, ethnicity, disability, gender, etc.) people belong to, while inclusion means actively including these groups and ensuring their voices are heard in your campaigns and strategies.

sagoA diverse sample = diverse data. The preferences you capture from a diverse sample will provide a more precise representation of the population. Having a diverse sample also helps you gain insights that could have been missed with a homogeneous sample. But that is not the only benefit. Being inclusive also shows a commitment to cater to all types of customers. According to a study by GLAAD, 85 percent of consumers reported that LGBTQ+ representation shows a business is committed to offering products for all customers.

Usually, market research is performed in the early stages of a product, service, or campaign launch. Involving a diverse sample at the beginning of your project demonstrates your brand’s inclusivity efforts are not performative, as you’re allowing these participants to have a voice in the decision-making process. This also helps you avoid criticism for tokenizing marginalized groups by only including them when it’s time to promote your product or service.

You’ve Involved a Diverse Audience in Your Research. What’s Next?

Representing this audience is your next responsibility. According to a survey conducted by Adobe, “African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latino/Hispanic Americans make up nearly 37 percent of the U.S. population, yet these groups feel the least represented in advertising.”

Consumers, especially those who identify as Gen Z or millennials, place great importance on a company’s values and whether they align with them. Gen Z and millennial consumers are also passionate about social justice, corporate responsibility, and diversity and inclusion. In fact, research from Accenture shows that 70 percent of younger millennials are more likely to choose a brand that demonstrates inclusion and diversity in its promotions over a brand that does not.

While representation is important, the type of representation your brand utilizes must be well thought-out and reflect your brand’s values. The same Adobe study states that “66 percent of African Americans said they feel their ethnic identity is often portrayed stereotypically, a sentiment shared by 53 percent of Latino/Hispanic Americans.” Education and research are essential when it comes to highlighting diversity. It’s crucial you’re aware of the way your marketing materials portray these groups to avoid spreading unintentionally harmful stereotypes, which could eventually lead to stigma and bias.

How Can Sago Help?

Your audience is diverse; having data that shows you what they resonate with will help you strategically target them in your communications and positively impact their perception of your brand. Ultimately, showcasing the breadth of your audience and incorporating diversity and inclusion into your research process and marketing strategy is a win-win for both your brand and your consumers.

If you’re planning on conducting your own research and are considering making it inclusive, check out our guide that goes through inclusive screener review recommendations for open-ended questions and self-identification options.

Do you want to ensure your research and insights are diverse and inclusive? Our team of experts is here for you. We’re here to help our clients successfully recruit the most diverse audiences to gain the insights they need nationally or worldwide.

Planning on Conducting Your Own Research?

Check out Sago’s recommendations for open-ended questions and self-identification options.

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