New Feature: Breakout Rooms

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Maximize your time with respondents and get valuable insights with Breakout Rooms, the latest feature in QualMeeting, a video interview event within QualBoard.

Breakout Rooms give you the ability to split respondents into smaller rooms for creative activities or to address technical issues without disrupting the flow of the whole group.

Key Features:

  • Simple Controls: Easily start, stop, and manage Breakout Rooms with just a few clicks.
  • Troubleshooting Setup: Break out participants to address their technical issues away from the group to avoid disrupting your research.
  • Foster Engagement: Design creative breakout activities to encourage active participation and lively discussions among participants.
  • Monitor and Join Rooms: As the moderator, easily move between rooms, provide guidance, and address any questions as participants complete activities.
  • Reap the Benefits: After the breakout sessions, bring participants back to the main meeting to share insights, ideas, and outcomes. All breakout rooms can be recorded to add to your analysis.

Discover the power of Breakout Rooms in QualMeeting today and transform your online focus groups into collaborative hubs of creativity and productivity.

Request a consultation to learn more about incorporating Breakout Rooms into your projects.

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