What Our Past Can Tell Us About the Future of Market Research

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Throughout history, society has experienced pandemics and other upheavals, much like we’ve faced with COVID-19. But perhaps a silver lining can be found in a relatively well-documented footnote in history: Isaac Newton was home from Cambridge during his Bubonic plague quarantine, and the time he spent in the country helped form some of his greatest leaps in scientific thinking.

COVID-19 may not give us another Newton, but it has given our industry an opportunity to re-examine how we work and has given rise to entirely new ways to think about our craft.

Why Should You Attend?

During this session, our CIO, Isaac Rogers will cover several areas where we’ve seen researchers make these leaps in thinking, including best practices for identifying and engaging respondents, leveraging new tools and methods, and utilizing more agile designs.

What Will You Learn?

You will walk away with tangible, repeatable examples of how our industry has adapted, as well as tools and best practices to incorporate into your research moving forward.

Thursday, February 25 | 2:00 pm ET

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